El pana Franklin Cardona miembro de la banda Trifixiom de Death Metal nos envia esta nota con un link para descargar su demo de 1995 llamado Crucificados.
"Hola aqui estoy mandando el demo de la banda Trifixion de Caracas la cual se formo por Franklin Fratan Cardona luego de su salida de Necrofago en la cual toco el bajo, Trifixion dio su primer toque en Santa Teresa del Tuy en el 93 tocando en ellos solo Franklin ,guitarra y voz y Miguel Angel Mantas en la bateria.
Su musica extrema se difundia y el bajo no parecia faltarles un sus presentaciones luego de su 3er toque encuentran a Amigi Baltazar para la ayuda en el bajo el cual dieron un show junto a Krouger y otras bandas ......aqui un articulo de Metal Archives
trifixion banda de venezuela
http://metal-archives.com/ This is pure old school death metal. Their music can be compared to a raw version of Incubus (the band from Louisiana) and Massacra.
The sound of "Crucificados" has a dirty production, but clear enough to listen distiguish very well the instruments. The drums are violent and mid-tempo. Although you can say they are the typical early 90's death metal percussion. With thrashy guitars (specially on the songs "My Amerosis" and "Maten a Pancho"), it's what gives the catchy feeling to the music. The vocals are in a way obscure and make a contrast to the death metal music that is being played. The bass sorounds the beats of the drums with really low tunes.
In overall, this demo makes a minimalistic approach towards death metal. In fact, the songs are straight-forward and some times simple. But this qualities makes it enjoyable for anyone willing to pick up a demo from a under-rated deathrash band of these years.
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